Projects Overview

  • Transformational home renovation. Updated outdated spaces and added a luxurious master suite to enhance comfort and functionality in this 40-year-old home.

    Dream it.

  • Character home rejuvenation. Transformed weather-exposed home with comprehensive renovation and extension. Optimized layout and enhanced thermal comfort for ultimate year-round living.

    Build it.

  • Modern family home transformation. Complete interior overhaul and extension for safety, comfort, and entertaining.

    Grow it.

Project Invermay

Modern Elegance Meets Practicality, Maximise Space in a Heritage Home. Our expertly designed transformed a tight urban lot into a spacious, stylish living area without compromising the home's original character.

Classy modern Extension to create larger living spaces and a more practical layout. This home was built to the title boundary on both sides to utilise as much of the land area whilst still allowing for a generous backyard.

This home was build to comply with strict Heritage overlays as well as several Special Building Overlay.

Project Seaview

Backyard Oasis Transformed, Family fun all year around. Complete backyard makeover transformed an overgrown space into a stunning outdoor retreat perfect for families.

To create a family-friendly space for year-round fun, we tackled our overgrown backyard with a complete redesign. This involved removing overgrown plants and levelling the ground to make way for a sparkling pool and inviting entertainment area.

Project Panoramic

Character Home Revitalized Optimal Comfort Year around. home went significant transformation to enhance its layout and thermal performace.

We undertook a major renovation and extension on this character project, with an emphasis on improving the layout and thermal comfort of the home that was heavily exposed to the elements in both summer and winter.

Project Monty

Modern Transformation for heritage home. enhance functionality and comfort, focusing on outdated spaces and adding a luxurious mastersuit.

Despite only being built 40 years ago, this home was tired. Nearly all of the spaces had to be updated, along with a master suite extension, to elevate this home in its functionality and comfort.

Project Cumberland

Classic Geelong West Townhouse transformed. Meticulouse renovation and extension of AN ORIGINAL BRICK TOWNHOUSE. removing and adding a full width extension, functional and comfortable space.

This project was a careful renovation and extension of an original brick Geelong West Townhouse.

This involved careful demolition of the rear section, followed by a full-width extension.

This thoughtful expansion created a functional and comfortable home perfectly sized for a family of four.

Project Gem

Modernized for Safety and Style, home transformed. Renovation prioritised safety and comfort, featuring complete interior overhaul and extended footprint. Spacious kitchen, dining, and living area, perfect for entertaining.

This home received a full internal renovation to future proof the safety and comfort of our clients. We also extended on the existing foot print to incorporate a spacious kitchen, diving and living area as well as a deck to allow for ease of entertaining.